Wednesday, 7 December 2016

The Miraculous Facial Oil that is just that - MIRACULOUS

Time to take a little break from all of these gift guides and talk about something that is also totally relevant for this time of year - Allergies.

Growing up, I never expereienced hay fever, or any allergy-like symtoms. I had Eczema, but that phased out at an early age. So, for me to come out in a freakishly crazy, itchy rash all over my body last week - I just couldn't understand what was going on! Heck, I didn't even want to leave the house looking like that, and it took a huge hunk out of my self-esteem - I was fighting back tears at work for a solid two days. Even Antihistamine would not make this thing go away.

I was lucky enough to go to the races last Friday night for my partners work-do, and in the bathrooms were a number of samples of the Linden Leaves Miraculous Facial Oil, which I may have taken a few too many of! For three nights following, I slathered this all over the affected areas, and it just disappeared. Halle-freaking-lujah! 

If I'm totally honest, if it wasn't for these samples I probably wouldn't have actively gone out and purchased this oil. It's a bit pricey, at $64.99, but a little does go a long way. On top of that, my original opinion of Linden Leaves was that it was a brand targeted towards older skin types. After reading up on how the brand came about and has developed over time, I'm now 150% totally sold. Take a read of their story here.

Now that my rash is gone, I've started using this oil on my face a night to help bring some moisture and balance back. It's early days, but I think it's safe to say this miracle worker is going to become one of my ride or die beauty products for years to come. 10/10 from Mama!

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